Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How to save money

1. Do not finance anything unless you have to. (education is one of the few things that I think it's better to finance than not have.)

2. Stop wasting finite resources! Change the temp in the house when you are leaving for the day so you don't waste electricty/gas. turn off lights/appliances when not in the room

3. When running errands, make a list of all the places you need to go and get everything done in one trip rather than wasting gas going back and forth.

4. Clip coupons if you take the Sunday paper.

5. Take your lunch rather than buying it. Same goes for snacks.

6. Cut extras on phone service and cable.

7. Rate shop insurance often.

8. When possible buy clothes that do not need to be dry cleaned.

9. Wash full loads of clothing rather than partial.

10. Rent movies from the library

11. Check out books from the library instead of buying. If you are the type person that must buy, buy from Amazon and get enough from each seller to reduce shipping costs.

12. Put money you save in a high yield savings account. Many online accounts are earning 5%. Keep putting the money in there until you have enough to delve into higher yield accounts.